Meet the Maker: Sanna
Sanna - Maker of a sustainable future. Sanna works as Customer Experience Lead at Knowit Experience.

Who are you?
My name is Sanna Tallberg and I work from the Helsinki office. I love designing and bringing things to life, it could be a new piece of furniture, an intricate evening gown, or a new kitchen – it all depends on the day. In the summer, you’ll likely find me on a sailboat, match racing or just enjoying our beautiful archipelago. Right now, though, I’m eagerly awaiting winter when I can hit the slopes.
How long have you been working at Knowit?
I jumped on board in January this year, so my first anniversary is just around the corner. It’s been an eventful year with all the mergers and acquisitions, during which my team has doubled in size.
What do you do at Knowit?
I’m essentially a creative problem solver and spend a lot of time spotting opportunities for our clients, teams, and individual experts. As the CX Lead, I head our Design, Content and Analytics team with experts in everything from brand to strategy as well as data and analytics. With such a broad talent pool, my role is to foster individual growth as well as support and build a well-functioning team.
This includes a lot of sparring, building processes and communicating our offering both internally and to our clients.
To be able to deliver that top-of-the-line experience to both our clients and the end-users, I always like to start with asking who is this for, what are we trying to achieve and why? How can we measure the impact?
What do you like best about Knowit?
What I like best about my job is being able to help our team members grow and bring different expertise together to create a winning team. My biggest accomplishment is when my team is happy and successful. I like the autonomy, as well as our great pool of talented people who continue to question how we can do things even better.
Asiantuntijaksi Knowitille?
Heräsikö kiinnostuksesi työskennellä Knowitilla?
Lue lisää ja ole meihin yhteydessä joko lähettämällä hakemus sinua kiinnostavaan avoimeen rooliin, tai jos et löydä juuri tällä hetkellä sinua kiinnostavaa roolia, avoimen hakemuksen kautta voit myös kertoa itsestäsi lisää. Luemme hakemuksesi mielellämme, ja palaamme sinulle asiaan enintään viikon sisällä!